A selection of recent interviews and talks
‘Warrior Nation’ podcast for Forces Watch, January 2023, Listen here
James Kennedy podcast, May 2022, Listen here
Mintpress News podcast, October 2021, Listen here
Scott Horton Show, July 2021, Listen here
Interview with Novara Media, May 2021, Watch here
Speech to Julian Assange conference, November 2019, Watch here
A selection of Mark’s published media articles before December 2016
Britain’s Trade and Aid Policies After Brexit – Neo-liberalism Goes Mad (Huffington Post, 6 December 2016)
Britain’s Post-Brexit Foreign Policy Is Becoming Clearer – And It’s Not Pretty (Huffington Post, 16 November 2016)
Britain’s Seven Covert Wars (Huffington Post, 18 October 2016)
The case for a public enquriy on the war in Syria (Huffington Post, 26 September 2016)
Britain and the military rulers of Egypt: Another extraordinary special relationship (Huffington Post, 13 September 2016)
We know about the lies over Iraq but what about Syria? (Huffington Post, 22 August 2016)
Britain’s dangerous and ignored special relationship with Oman (Huffington Post, 11 August 2016)
Africa’s massive revenue losses from tax incentives (Huffington Post, 5 August 2016)
Britain’s new African empire (Huffington Post, 26 July 2016)
Afghanistan is being stifled by military operations (Guardian, 19 February 2011)
The EU’s Ugly Resource Grab (Guardian, 14 November 2010)
Bin Laden, the Taliban, Zawahiri: Britain’s done business with them all (Guardian, 6 July 2010)
Norway’s dirty little secrets (Guardian, 24 September 2009)
Painful extraction (Guardian, 3 August 2007)
It’s thriving but lethal (Guardian, 22 May 2007)
Ten years of New Labour’s arms exports: A Review (May 2007)
A real power struggle (Guardian, 16 October 2006)
Introduction to John Pilger: Documentaries that changed the world (2006)
Voice of the unpeople: Review of John Pilger’s Freedom Next Time (Guardian, 3 June 2006)
Britain’s Secret Support For US Aggression: The Vietnam War (3 March 2006)
Their right to return (Guardian, 8 November, 2005)
Covert support of violence will return to haunt us (Guardian, 6 October 2005)
How the G8 lied to the world on aid (Guardian, 23 August 2005)
Brown’s doleful role at Gleneagles (Guardian, 9 July 2005)
Britain and Africa: The aid dividend (Red Pepper, March 2005)
Britain and Africa: The new propaganda (Znet, 21 March 2005)
Stop the war (In Murray and German, Stop the War, 2005)
Britain and the G8: A champion of the world’s poor? (In David Miller and Gill Hubbard (eds), Arguments against G8, Pluto, London, 2005)
Britain’s postwar foreign policy: A web of deceit (In Poddar and Johnson, Historical Companion, 2005)
Africa’s plight can’t be explained by a pop song (Guardian, 10 December 2004)
Declassified: Rogue State Britain (Red Pepper, December 2004)
The colonial precedent (Guardian, 26 October 2004)
Why I believe academics have failed the general public (Times Higher Educational Supplement, 1 October 2004)
Complicity in a million deaths (In John Pilger (ed), Tell Me No Lies: Investigative journalism and its triumphs, Jonathan Cape, 2004)
Declassified: Britain and Israel (Red Pepper, April 2004
Bloodshed and whitewash: Britain and the Rwanda genocide (Red Pepper, March 2004)
Psychological warfare against the public: Iraq and beyond (In David Miller (ed), Tell me lies: Propaganda and media distortion in the attack on Iraq, Pluto, London, 2004)
No Place Called Home: Diego Garcia (Guardian, 10 October 2003)
As British as Afternoon Tea (Guardian, 21 May 2003)
Partners in Imperialism – Britain’s support for US intervention (Frontline, 26 April 2003)
Britain’s Defiance of the UN: The long history (March 2003)
Blair’s Jaw Jaw means War War (Red Pepper, October 2002)
The future of the “anti-globalisation” movement post-September 11th (Ecologist, 22 February 2002)
US and British complicity in the 1965 slaughters in Indonesia (Third World Resurgence, Issue 137, 2002)
UN AIDS fund is a distraction from the real issues (Guardian, 26 July 2001)
Just another false dawn for the poor (Guardian, 26 June 2001)
Global business is too important to be left to business people (Guardian, 23 April 2001)
Boom time for few signals misery and death for many (Guardian, 15 March 2001)