The coup in Iran, 1953 By Mark Curtis An edited extract from Web of Deceit: Britain’s Real Role in the World “Our policy was to get rid of Mossadeq as soon as possible.” (Sir Donald Logan, British embassy, Iran) In August 1953 a coup covertly organised by MI6 and the CIA overthrew Iran’s popular, nationalist […]
Topic: Middle East
Britain complicit in the deaths of ten million people since 1945. Those are Unpeople – those whose lives are seen as expendable in the pursuit of Britain’s economic and political goals. Historian Mark Curtis pieces together the Blair government’s “public deception campaign” on Iraq and reveals government plans to increase “information operations” directed towards the […]
by Mark Curtis Red Pepper, April 2004 Why is Tony Blair still Prime Minister? One major reason is Blair’s promise to push for peace between Israel and Palestine. Many MPs sided with Blair in the crucial parliamentary vote before the invasion of Iraq believing he could and would influence Washington to press Israel. Yet this […]
by Mark Curtis – Tell me lies, 2003 Since late 2002 the British public has been subject to a government propaganda campaign of perhaps unprecedented heights in the postwar world. Clare Short, after resigning her position as International Development Secretary, told a parliamentary enquiry of ‘a series of half-truths, exaggerations and reassurances that were not […]
Transcript of a talk by Mark Curtis at ‘Stop the War’ conference, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, 12 October 2002 My view is that the mainstream media plays an ideological role that supports the policies of the state. This has been long understood and there are many academic analyses examining it. There are […]
By Mark Curtis Red Pepper, October 2002 Poised for war over Iraq in a new phase of the supposed “war against terrorism”, the states that profess their commitment to the highest values continue to resort to the basest of policies in practice. Current British policy towards Iraq is a microcosm of foreign policy over the […]
Britain’s Real Role in the World. In his explosive new book, Mark Curtis reveals a new picture of Britain’s role in the world since 1945 and in the “war against terrorism” by offering a comprehensive critique of the Blair government’s foreign policy. Curtis argues that Britain is an “outlaw state”, often a violator of international […]
Anglo-American Power and World Order. Debunking some of the myths of post-cold War power, Mark Curtis demonstrates how Britain remains the key supporting player in US domination, and how far from benign that domination is in its impact on the rest of the world. The special relationship between Britain and the United States has concealed […]
by Mark Curtis Guardian, 26 October 2004 The redeployment of British forces in Iraq to support a US assault on Falluja marks another stage in a creeping return to the colonial era, when popular revolts against occupation were routinely suppressed by overwhelming force. These past episodes, revealed in declassified British government files, provide numerous parallels with […]