A real power struggle

The Guardian, 18 October 2006 Addressing overseas development without discussing the regulation of big business is like talking about malaria without mentioning mosquitoes. Yet New Labour’s supposed commitment to eradicating global poverty does not even pretend to seek to rein in multinational corporations. A draft bill before parliament that has been ignored by the media […]

Poor Company: the harsh impact of British business on poor people

The British Parliament is currently examining changes to company law in what some commentators have optimistically billed as potentially the largest shakeup in business law for 150 years. Rather, the process is continuing to protect corporations from serious accountability for their activities, especially where their impact is harshest – on poor people overseas. The evidence […]

Web of Deceit

Britain’s Real Role in the World. In his explosive new book, Mark Curtis reveals a new picture of Britain’s role in the world since 1945 and in the “war against terrorism” by offering a comprehensive critique of the Blair government’s foreign policy. Curtis argues that Britain is an “outlaw state”, often a violator of international […]