What the latest secret government file tells us about UK Middle East policy

by Mark Curtis Published in Middle East Eye, 31 May 2019 The British government is refusing to release a 1941 file on Palestine, as it might “undermine the security” of Britain and its citizens. Why would a 78-year-old document be seen as so sensitive in 2019? One plausible reason is that it could embarrass the British government in […]

Declassified: Censorship of Documents

These articles highlight how UK officials have censored, destroyed, withheld illegally & lied about government documents on foreign policy. Articles ‘Government admits “losing” thousands of papers from National Archives’ (Guardian, 26 December 2017) ‘”Operation Legacy”: Britain’s Destruction and Concealment of Colonial Records Worldwide‘ (Shohei Sato, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, April 2017) ‘The 30-year rule […]