Former UN envoy to Yemen linked to MI6, a party to the war

by Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis, Declassified UK, 5 January 2023 Martin Griffiths, a Briton who now runs the United Nations’ humanitarian work, co-founded and advises a private conflict resolution company that “works closely” with MI6. He was until recently the UN special envoy to Yemen. The UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Martin Griffiths, was […]

British government ministers have been complicit in millions of deaths since 1945, so don’t be surprised that they won’t face justice over coronavirus

By Mark Curtis Declassified UK, 2 May 2020 The UK government’s failure to provide protective equipment to all health staff treating coronavirus victims prompts questions whether ministers are legally culpable for failing to prevent deaths. But UK ministers routinely act with impunity and every prime minister since 1945 has been complicit in deaths abroad. At […]

Cambodia: Declassified

Documents   ‘Kampuchea: Britain withdraws recognition from Pol Pot while refusing it to Heng Samrin‘, (US Embassy Cable, Wikileaks, 7 December 1979) ‘Thatcher visit: Indo-China refugees‘ (US Embassy Cable, Wikileaks, 28 November 1979) Articles ‘Year Zero‘ (John Pilger, Tell me no lies, 2004) ‘How Thatcher gave Pol Pot a hand‘ (John Pilger, New Statesman, 17 April 2000)   […]