Chiefs of Staff Committee, Joint Planning Staff, ‘Role of the colonial territories in peace and war: report by the Joint Planning Staff’, 8 January 1958

“It has been agreed by the Chiefs of Staff that the role of the colonial territories in general terms should be: (a) to provide for their own internal security, first to release the forces of the strategic reserve during the present cold war from debilitating diversions and, secondly, to ensure the stability of the colonies in global war; (b) to provide, as far as possible, for their own local defence; (c) to provide for the United Kingdom land, sea and air forces  such installations as are necessary to facilitate their strategic employment both in cold or global war; (d) to provide reserves of manpower in war to sustain the Allied forces overseas and to help take advantage of the initiative we should have after the first phase of war is over; (e) to provide such industrial and material resources as can be developed in the respective colonies”.

“… We agree there would be grave difficulties in employing African units or those of any other colonial territory outside their own borders in the early post-nuclear phase… We consider, however, that it would be wrong if Colonial Governors, either in Africa or in other territories, were given to understand in general that their forces would on no occasion be deployed outside their own colonies after the nuclear exchange. In certain circumstances such forces could prove of great value elsewhere, in particular as there can be no reinforcement from the United Kingdom. We can envisage conditions arising whereby a colony with a stable internal security situation could well afford to make available combatant and/or unarmed labour units to another less fortunate territory”.

National Archives: DEFE 4/103