These UK files and articles on Egypt highlight the illegality of the 1956 invasion, secret collusion with Israel, lying in parliament, collusion with the Muslim Brotherhood, and attempts to ‘get rid’ of Nasser.
Egypt, 1956-7 (Mark Curtis files from the National Archives)
‘Egypt: Note by the Prime Minister’ (National Archives, 12 November 1957, at p.93)
Mark Curtis, Britain and the Muslim Brotherhood: Collaboration during the 1940s and 1950s (Extract from Secret Affairs, 2012)
‘Israel intended to bomb British in Egypt, secret 1950s files claim’ (Times, 12 May 2015)
Invasion of Egypt, 1956
‘Sir Anthony Eden’s cabinet discussed concealing Suez ‘collusion’, records show’ (Telegraph, 2 October 2008)
‘UK considered cutting off Nile’ (BBC, 1 December 2006)
‘Lawyers warned Eden that Suez invasion was illegal’ (Guardian, 1 December 2006)
‘Dubious legality of Suez attack revealed’ (Times, 1 December 2006)
‘The long shadow’ (Guardian, 4 November 2006)
‘The ghosts of Suez’ (Guardian, 13 July 2006)
‘Secrets and lies at the heart of Britain’s Middle Eastern folly’ (Guardian, 11 July 2006)
‘John McClashan’ (Telegraph, 10 September 2010)
‘Scheming spies leave paper trail’ (Guardian, 27 September 2003)
‘Divided We Stand: The Suez Crisis of 1956 and the Anglo-American “Alliance”’ (W.Scott Lucas, PhD thesis)
Mark Curtis, UK policy and Egypt’s nurturing of radical Islam under Sadat (Extract from Secret Affairs, 2012)