‘US embassy cables: Head of Foreign Office counter-terrorism policy says UK cannot take anymore Guantanamo detainees’ (US Embassy, UK, 3 February 2009)
‘US embassy cables: UK foreign office tries to smooth relations with US over Cyprus flights’ (US Embassy, UK, 20 May 2008)
Guantanamo bay / ‘War on terror’
‘British government suppressing key documents on allegations of UK collusion in torture and rendition’ (Independent, 5 March 2016)
‘British torture in the “war on terror”’ (European Journal of International Relations, 2016)
‘Britain’s Secret Widespread Use Of Torture’ (, 13 October 2015)
‘The allegations against MI6 are serious – so why aren’t they front page news?’ (, 16 December 2014)
‘CIA torture report: the UK must be honest about its complicity in these grisly crimes’ (New Statesman, 10 December 2014)
‘Britain “discussed” US request to build Guantanamo-style prison on Diego Garcia after September 11 attacks, officials say’ (Telegraph, 13 August 2014)
‘UK police have details of CIA torture flights despite past denials of logs – report’ (RT, 13 July 2014)
‘Emails shed new light on UK link to CIA “torture flights”’ (Guardian, 12 July 2014)
‘7 things you should know about Diego Garcia and renditions’ (Guardian, 11 July 2014)
‘Files on UK role in CIA rendition accidentally destroyed, says minister’ (Guardian, 9 July 2014)
‘A triumph over secret justice’ (Daily Mail, 19 October 2013)
‘Torture UK: why Britain has blood on its hands’ (Guardian, 19 October 2012)
‘The last Briton in Guantanamo: MI6 watched as U.S. soldiers repeatedly smashed my head against a wall’ (Daily Mail, 6 October 2012)
‘Guantánamo Bay files: Profiles of the 10 released British prisoners’ (Guardian, 25 October 2011)
‘US/UK: Documents Reveal Libya Rendition Details’ (Human Rights Watch, 8 September 2011)
‘UK’s secret policy on torture revealed’ (Guardian, 4 August 2011)
‘British Guantánamo detainees held for years “just in case”’ (Guardian, 25 April 2011)
‘Torture warnings pushed aside for Britain to join US in “war on terror”‘ (Guardian, 28 September 2010)
‘Jack Straw’s role in UK rendition revealed’ (Guardian, 15 July 2010)
‘Classified documents reveal UK’s role in abuse of its own citizens’ (Guardian, 14 July 2010)
‘Government “plotted to send UK citizens to Guantánamo”‘ (Guardian, 13 July 2010)
‘Detainee-torture allegations spread to Britain’ (Globe & Mail, 19 April 2010)
‘Binyam Mohamed: Evidence of Torture by US Agents Revealed in UK’ (Andy Worthington, 12 February 2010)
“‘I was MI5 go-between” says Briton held in Guantanamo’ (Independent, 16 January 2005)
‘Cyprus torture victim still seeking UK apology’ (The National, 29 October 2012)
‘UK overruled on Lebanon spy flights from Cyprus, WikiLeaks cables reveal’ (Guardian, 2 December 2010)
‘UK bid to cover up Mau Mau torture exposed’ (Daily Nation, 5 April 2011)
‘The postwar photographs that British authorities tried to keep hidden’ (Guardian, 3 April 2006)